Tell us about yourself and your music
I have been involved in music my whole life in some way or form. My father used to manage a band when I was younger and that was it all started. My family has always been very supportive of my music and even in the early years, my father managed a band I was in. I like to think about the music we play and write is fun and makes you feel like you want to dance or party. True rock.
Talk to us more about your latest release
Soul In Stone was on a Hiatus for almost 4 years, so this new release we all find far overdue. There have been a few changes in the lineup. We have the original Bass player Victor Fox and original Drummer Matthew Smith back in the lineup. Plus the 2 new added member, Will on vocal and Jeff on guitar, has given us a lot of renewed energy. I feel this will show in the music and back to the hardcore roots that we all enjoy.
What inspired you to write this release?
This song comes back to my very 1st band I was in with my best high school friend. We had lots of Neil Young influence. We just wanted to write a song that grooved. It’s more about the feel of the music in this tune. The lyrics are off the wall. We intentionally just wanted fun lyrics and make people feel the music more than anything. The chorus says it all, “Freedom to Rock and Roll”
Describe the writing and recording process
We all come up with ideas and the tool sheds them. Usually, the guys or myself will have something, we all play and listen to the idea and then my job in the bandit to figure out how to piece together all the little riffs, verses, chorus, bridge, etc.. I’m the puzzle master,, lol!!
Once we have the bones down, Matt will lay down a drum track, I will record the rhythm and a ghost vocal track for the other guys to follow. Victor then lays the grove down, jeff comes in and does his thing. Then we leave it all up to Will to turn it into a song. Lol !!
Once all is recorded Matt sets to business and does all the mixing and mastering of the tune.
Any plans to hit the road?
We are in the middle of finishing up the EP and then look out here we come.
Rock On and Rock Load !!!!!!!
As an indie artist, how do you brand yourself and your music to stand out from the rest of the artists out there?
We work very hard and Facebook, Twitter, and Reverbnation. Lots of you know the same ol’ same ol’ we bug our friends, co-workers, anything to do the job.
The biggest thing we like to do to help put us out there is we are always open to doing any charity work, not only is it for a good thing but it makes us all feel good and shows that we are in it for the love of music.
Who have you been listening to lately?
Lately my self, I have really been into some local Ottawa talent, Double Experience, Tami Sari. Also, I have really been going back to the ’80s and 90’s hair metal I grew up on, which really inspires me.
Who are your biggest influences?
My biggest is, now don’t laugh. Styx, Kiss, Ozzy, Sabbath, you know the main guys, then I take a turn and really like Queen and the Beatles.
I’m really more on how they made that big sound and come across great on recordings and live.
Tell us about your passions
My passions are my family. Love my wife and kids to death. My 8-year-old daughter is really showing interest in guitar so I love that. and really been big on the guitar restoration lately as well. Taking a broke down the beat-up guitar and putting my twist on it and giving it a new life.
What else is happening next in your world?
Well, we have already started a write for the next CD and we want to get a couple of new videos out. but other than that just living life to the fullest.
Thanks for an awesome interview, Soul In Stone
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