Is There Meaning to skinsNbones?

Is There Meaning to skinsNbones?

Tell us about yourself and your music

skinsNbones is a collaboration of songwriters and musicians from Queensland, Australia, who have a common love of old school rock music. We all have different musical backgrounds and experiences, from the classically trained to the self-taught newbie. Our music is a combination of thumping rhythms, soaring melodies, brutal, in your face guitar, sung with one of rock’s most unique voices.

Talk to us more about your latest release

Is There a Meaning? is our first release and has been getting great feedback from fans. It’s a heavy classic rock that gets people’s attention, lifting heads and spirits. Is there meaning to Is There Meaning? Yes. As intended, the meaning full lyrics and the solid rhythm connect with people who relate to the stories within, raising their feelings of connection. This song could have been called “Numb”. It is a sad song but getting numb people to start to feel is one of the main positive meanings of this song.

What inspired you to write this release?

“The song is autobiographical and so graphically descriptive that I hid the truth of how I was feeling by making the song have many other story lines to hide my own. The song basically wrote and arranged itself. I had trouble keeping up typing out the lyrics that were arriving with such a beautiful melody. By the end of typing the song I knew that the main story was no longer my own. It was about something much greater than my Self, an issue, so very important, that was going unnoticed at the time. An extremely delicate issue I cared very much about. Coincidentally our government just announced an Enquiry into this very issue at the time of releasing this song, which was written years ago. It is an Ode to Veterans and Service Men and Women suffering Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and the serious side effects that continue to put their lives at risk.” – Bones (lyricist)

Describe the writing and recording process

“This song was written to have four different stories, depending on One’s perception. As already mentioned, Veteran’s PTSD and my personal story of being beaten up by life are two. The other two stories are the turning into a zombie and the ending of a relationship with one party being hostile. All four stories were present and stayed constant throughout the very fast process of writing. It only took a couple of minutes of typing. The writing itself is very basic words and lines that can have multiple meanings. So, by writing this way, the “meaning” of what the song is about is intentionally left up to the listener. The way it’s written is pretty straight forward, and written with the differing stories to connect with as many people possible of all differing ages, which it has done. Written in 2006 and kept on hold waiting for the right line up for it. It was the first song I wanted recorded by skinsNbones to highlight an issue very close to my heart that wasn’t being given the attention deserved at the time.” – Bones (lyricist)

The recording process was remarkably quick and easy thanks to Rocking Horse Studios and Paul Pilsneniks producing. Paul understood exactly what we wanted and really got the best out of us and our sound. It was definitely the most relaxed recording sessions any of us have been involved with and the sound of the studio was so alive it made all of us record our parts with some real live rock attitude, that can be hard to bring to a recording studio. It was a different process for us as we are a collaboration and had very limited rehearsal, the song apart from the lyrics and melody was basically created in the studio.

Any plans to release a video?

Any plans to hit the road?

We plan to establish a solid fan base before we tour. We have only been together for a few months and our energy is concentrated on recording and releasing more songs to build a following. When we do tour it will be on a large scale as we want to give our fans the very best we can.

As an indie artist, how do you brand yourself and your music to stand out from the rest of the artists out there?

We are different to the other bands as we believe our songs stand alone and speak for themselves. We want to promote the issues behind the songs, not ourselves. Our sound also sets us apart, musically, vocally and lyrically. We sing about real issues and/or different ways to perceive in order to question, think and grow. There is great meaning behind our songs. Our brand is a “?” as we want people to question what they hear or see, to be discerning, to always question what’s really happening in this modern, sometimes deceptive, world. To keep questioning to learn what is important, what matters to them, and to know what are important matters. Matters that our songs raise, both positive and the not so positive, while raising awareness and/or changing perception in beneficial ways.

Who have you been listening to lately?

The list is too long. We listen to as much music as we can. It’s important to listen to what is new as much as old. Bands like Clutch have been getting played a fair bit by us. Anything that inspires us in any way, always learning and keeping up with what is out there. But getting pleasure from music of all types is what it’s all about to us.

Who are your biggest influences?

Our biggest influences are Aussie rock legends like AC/DC, Rose Tattoo, The Angels and Midnight Oil, who we grew up listening to. These bands taught us how to play and perform by putting all you have, “Heart and Soul”, into each and every song. As well as the greats, The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, The Who, The Rolling Stones, Johnny Cash and Elvis. But we are all influenced by everything we hear and see.

Tell us about your passions

Red is into motorcycles, old or new. He watches as much bike racing as he can, and has a 1982 Kawasaki 1100 which he’s restoring and hopes to have back on the road soon. His biggest passion is his love for his wife. Luckily, she loves watching motorbike racing too.

HRH “The 1st” loves hot rods and cars. He has a few old Chevy’s and other classic cars. Some are fully restored and others are in the process. Family and friends are extremely important to him and his love for them is obvious, as he happily shares his good fortune with those he cares for.

Bones is very aware of social issues like Mental Illness and Human Rights, and wrongs. If a problem arises she will try to help however she can. This help can range from simply listening to someone in need to making people aware of an issue by putting it into song. Bones has a deep love for the Earth and all upon Her, and does her best to walk her talk, in heartfelt peace and gratitude.

Hoss is a loving and caring father. He is a big man with a big heart. The comedian of the group who loves having and making people laugh. Art of any kind brings him to life. Making songs, drawing or painting, it’s all a medium for Hoss to express his thoughts and feelings, which are deep. He’s a country boy who enjoys having land and nature around him.

What else is happening next in your world?

We have just finished working on our next single which should be ready for release by the end of April. We’ll be heading back to Rocking Horse Studio’s shortly to do some more recording, as we have a large catalogue of songs ready to go and are very keen to get them finished.



Thanks for an awesome interview, skinsNbones



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