Tell us about yourself and your music
My name is Hazeline Taffe, a Canadian citizen, and my former birth country is Jamaica. I am an Alma mater of Sheridan College and York University. My musical journey began in a very difficult time in my life, after enduring a tremendous amount of social suffering. It was a difficult struggle for me to move forward with the loss of my daughter, wondering why she had to die. Among having to deal with this loss, there were other challenges to overcome. Hence my music creation was a source of strength and empowerment for me to channel my way through these barriers, and find assurance in God; that he is with me through all this.
Talk to us more about your latest release
My latest release was on June 30, 2020, entitled “The Battle of the COVID-19”. The battle of the COVID-19 is a social humanitarian song, which highlights some keys areas as it relates to humanity such as social, economic, and religious themes. Questions for the audiences to reflect on, by drawing their attention to the social communities, and implications of life; and to reassure the listener’s in light of hope, that there are better days ahead.
What inspired you to write this release?
Hearing, and reading about the pandemic, and how people are coping in this difficult time. Some are mourning, some don’t have enough food and shelter. Others are just terrified and hopeless. I know what its like to be mourning, and feel terrified because I recently lost my mother to cancer. So I was inspired to write this song to draw strength and to uplift people.
Describe the writing and recording process
I write when I am inspired to write, it’s an inspiration that comes naturally, usually when I get a beat, or music in my mind. I draw some of my inspiration from knowledge, experience, reflection, and imagination. I record the music I’m hearing, even if I do not have the lyrics right away. Then I build from the music and develop my lyrics. The recording process is pretty straight forward, because my music is already composed, and so I hire an independent pianist to work with.
Any plans to release a video?
Any plans to hit the road?
Currently could not say when I will be able to do so, I am taking it as it comes. If the opportunity presents itself, then yes I would consider doing so.
As an indie artist, how do you brand yourself and your music to stand out from the rest of the artists out there?
The basic theme of all the music that I have created is centered on” Change”. This change is reflecting the positive change, whether it may be spiritual, social, economic, or political change. My music is tailored to inspire people, in that; though situations and time get tough they can find better ways to raise those obstacles and barriers and live a courageous life. My brand is very unique because my music is me for the most part, how I have managed to channel all those challenges, and barrier into something amazing, and created wonders with my music.
Who have you been listening to lately?
Pretty much trying to keep up to date with the pandemic.
Who are your biggest influences?
I am personally self-motivated, so most of my influence comes from what I have been doing so for. I have some supportive voices telling me to continue to do what I’m doing, and how my music has impacted them. Especially, my mother, I published my first album when she was battling cancer, and my music has brought her comfort during her last moments. Her favorite song from the album was “Carry You Along”. I am a great fan of Michael Jackson, Michael Bolton, and Kenny Rodgers growing up as a child.
Tell us about your passions
I love baking and cooking for my family. Every year around Christmas time, I look forward to baking black Christmas cake. My mother taught me how to bake as a child, and now I get to pass on some of what she has instilled in me. It is very important to remember where you are coming from, that is something that I have never forgotten. My family is the reason I get up each morning. They are my primary support, if not for the most my only support.
What else is happening next in your world?
What next for me, I am currently working on my next album, a 10 track album. The title and release information will be announced at a later date.
Thanks for an awesome interview,
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