Tara Kye Pushes Towards The Future With New Music 

Tara Kye Pushes Towards The Future With New Music 

Two New Pop Singles Available Now 


Chilliwack, Canada – July 7, 2020 – Being boxed in has never suited Tara Kye, she’s always been driven to think outside of the norm but with a larger than life approach to the world – she often found herself needing a tether to the real world. That’s where John Dean comes into play. They’ve been friends well over 20 years and when it comes to creating music, they are the ultimate yin and yang. With one album out now, Tara Kye came into 2020 ready to create more, and with John Dean by her side, the two worked on and released two new singles, available now on all major music and streaming platforms. 

“Beth” showcases a heartfelt vocal performance from Tara Kye, while “Put Down Your Phone” delivers pop sass like no other. In a world where we are all glued to the rectangular communication devices in our pockets, it’s nice to have a melodic reminder to put it away and enjoy the world that’s happening right in front of you. Either would be a great addition to pop and AC stations as they shine a light on both sides of what Tara Kye can deliver. 

“Each song is different and has a life unique to its own beat based upon my life experiences. We like to fuse different genres and styles into a popular world music vibe.” – Tara Kye 

Tara Kye met John Dean over two decades ago in a piano shop. Her parents were looking to buy her a wedding gift, and he was just a musician going about his regular day. She was 24 at the time with the world ahead of her. College was done, and a new marriage loomed but so did something else. In the midst of planning her wedding, she was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma stage 2B, moving quickly into stage 3. Through it all though, there was her best friend John Dean helping her channel everything she was going through into a creative outlet. Today, Tara Kye is focused on the now because she learned early on in life that is all one is promised. 

Those interested in adding new pop to their AC playlists, featuring Tara Kye’s music on their site, or interviewing her for their site, podcast, or radio show can reach out via the information provided below. 

For more information on Tara Kye, please visit: https://tarakyemusic.com/music 


Tara Kye
Tara Kye Maines

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tarakye
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tarakye/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tarakye
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0bMLqIG3HdIaGHCKm7n6sj 


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