Of Ash and Soot, the emotionally introspective album as Alex Wintersmith Lackey’s first official release.

Of Ash and Soot, the emotionally introspective album as Alex Wintersmith Lackey’s first official release.

Salt Lake City, UT — Friday, March 13th, 2020 — Of Ash and Soot, Alex Wintersmith Lackey’s first official album release, is an introspective and emotional look at reminiscing over years of struggling with mental health and substance abuse. Abstract at times represents a variety of emotions and memories and ends with a direct recounting of rock bottom. As a self-taught multi-instrumentalist, this album was written and recorded by Alex across all instruments over roughly 12 hours in the studio.

“Of Ash and Soot” is a therapeutic release for Alex Wintersmith Lackey and has been an open journal experience to share with the world. Striking chords with music lovers and musicians alike, the work is melodic and haunting, lyrically enticing, and engaging on all levels. The album can be found on Spotify, Apple Music, all streaming platforms alike, along with hosted on Bandcamp and CD Baby for purchase. The album is available currently.

“Beautifully sad yet hopeful” – listener

“I’ll don a cloak of fear and rise out of ash and soot” – lyric from song Rawlins to Laramie

Alex Wintersmith Lackey will be streaming a house concert live on Facebook to promote the album and engage with fans on March 27th at 7 PM MST.

“Of Ash and Soot” is a manifestation and culmination of years of writing on personal experiences, struggles, and an urgent need to let it out into the world. His deepest desire is to find solace and connection through sharing his music.

Follow on socials, share with loved ones, and stream as often as you like: Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1fgisR5pLIdWqxgdMebAbq.





Alex Wintersmith Lackey writes on personal experiences through abstract emotional connection processes. With quality focused on the core writing of the songs, they are meant to be set for performing as a singer with a single instrument, or a full ensemble. Personal connection and engagement with listeners is the best outcome from performing.



Alex Wintersmith Lackey
Alex Wintersmith Lackey
2102 E Somerset Dr


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alexwintersmithlackey
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alexwintersmithlackey
Twitter: https://twitter.com/alexwintersmith
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSF2XWJQsB8nIe4ICEcSNBw
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1fgisR5pLIdWqxgdMebAbq
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/alex-wintersmith-lackey
Reverbnation: https://www.reverbnation.com/alexwintersmithlackey

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