Norris Williams Uplifts With New Gospel Single 

Norris Williams Uplifts With New Gospel Single 

“Worship You” Available Now 

Miami, Florida – May 28, 2020 – Norris Williams’ time on earth so far has seen its fair share of high and low points but through it all he’s continued to move forward thanks to the power of God. Now he’s hoping to bring that same joy and inspiration to others through his music, including his recent single and video, “Worship You.” 

His fourth single since hitting the scene in 2016, “Worship You” is a pristine gospel song that has all the makings of a classic. From Norris Williams’ vocals that sound like a warm embrace feels to the prowess of his delivery and the heart of the lyrics; it’s all there. On top of that, the video is a delightful clip that showcases Williams’ in various Floridian places giving a stellar performance throughout. It is easy to see how much of himself he puts into his music. 

Something that may never have come about if he had stayed on a former path. Music and bringing positivity into the world was something Norris Williams had envisioned for himself at a young age. Unfortunately, he fell prey to drugs. That lifestyle eventually caused him to feel unease and depressed. Through prayer and hard work, he came back from that state better than he’d ever been. He went on to pen his first Christian song, “A Voice For Jesus” for Rock and Roll Hall of Famer Wayne Cochran. That singular opportunity set him on the righteous path that led him here today. 

Today Norris Williams is a beloved voice in the gospel realm. With his debut single, “My God Is,” introducing him to the world in 2016, he went on to drop a few more – including 2020’s “Worship You,” “Our Black History,” and “Prayer of the Backslider” which is as of May 28th was number two on IRC Radio Coalition’s Top 10 Billboard Chart. With that, he is working on putting the final touches on his highly anticipated debut. 

Those interested in adding new gospel music to their playlists, featuring the “Worship You” video on their site, or interviewing Norris Williams for their site, podcast, or radio show can reach out via the information provided below. 

For more information on Norris Williams, please visit: 


Norris Williams is proud to present his newest gospel single, “Worship You.”

Norris Williams
New Life Worship & Entertainment, LLC

Worship You:


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