DOHKE, Atsuo Brings the Liuto to the Mainstream

DOHKE, Atsuo Brings the Liuto to the Mainstream

Fall Concert Scheduled for November

Tokyo, Japan – April 28, 2017 – Looking at the word “liuto” would confuse most, as it’s not one of the more common instruments known round the world. Saying though it’s in the mandolin family starts to reveal the style and sound it can convey. A sound and style that DOHKE, Atsuo learned to lve over time for a variety of reasons. Today his love has turned into quite the passion as he’s teamed up with pianist YAMAO, Atsuko to form quite the musical duo. The two will present a show November 26, 2017 entitled Pleasure of Music No. 4.

An attorney today, DOHKE was once just a young man with music running through him. With that he was instructed in the late ’70s by celebrated mandolinist Mr. HIRAYAMA, Eizaburo. While he wanted to play something more along the lines of the cello, funding kept him from it. Not discouraged, DOHKE fell for the liuto over time noting, “It has a unique sound owing to its ten strings.” Learning the ropes of classical music he soon added a new element with the piano when he brought YAMAO on board. Over the years he’s tried his hand at playing more pop with his liuto, but stays close to his classical roots overall.

DOHKE has garnered the attention of some 50 radio stations, and has performed a handful of private shows as well. The big one though is coming November 26, 2017 when he and YAMAO take the stage for Pleasure of Music No. 4. More details for that are to come.

Those interested in hearing more from DOHKE, interviewing him, or checking out the show can reach out via the information provided below.


DOHKE, Atsuo is a liuto player from Tokyo, Japan who wants to introduce the beauty of his instrument of choice to the mainstream.

DOHKE, Atsuo
Atsuo Dohke


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