Joilet, Illinois – December 20, 2019 – December 29, 1890. A day forever engrained into the fabric of US History as it’s the day 300 Native American Ghost Dancers were slain by the US 7th Calvary. To pay his respect to the fallen Ghost Dancers, David Kump composed a hard rock tribute, “Wovoka Ghost Dance.”
After two years of research, reading, and meeting with Native Americans, David Kump was compelled to release a truer version than what is often taught in school about Wounded Knee. William Buchholtz Allison’s haunting piano introduction of his “Song for My Ancestors” welcomes listeners into “Wovoka Ghost Dance.” A song about raising the dead spirits of Native Americans to rise up and reclaim their land and culture from colonists motivated by greed and the brainwashed religious concept of Manifest Destiny. Radio stations are welcomed to play “Wovoka Ghost Dance” throughout the year but are encouraged to be a part of something grander by playing it on the 129th anniversary of this tragic day in history to pay respect to the fallen Native Americans.
The world will never hear of one of his songs played by a marching band at a halftime show or on conventional mainstream stations because David Kump writes lyrics as poems set to the heaviest rock power chords to deliver messages with the proper force. So much so, that he is happy to remain a recording artist as opposed to a performing artist saying, “I would play so loud that any audience would run the risk of going deaf,” adding, “I’m not here to entertain you. I’m here to make you think.”
“Wovoka Ghost Dance” is David Kump’s second single this year following “My Favorite Part of a Woman.” He’s also already for two more ready to go in the year; “Thirst” and “Lover’s Leap.” Those interested in adding “Wovoka Ghost Dance” to their playlists and rocking it out on December 29th, featuring it on their site, or interviewing David can reach out via the information below.
Your listeners can download “Wovoka Ghost Dance” for $.99, here:
David Kump is a hard rocker dedicated to raising awareness and truth while paying respect to the 300 fallen Native Americans who lost their lives at Wounded Knee on the 129th anniversary on December 29, 1890.
David Kump
To Download “Wovoka Ghost Dance” for Airplay: