Bible Verses Can Be Learned By Singing Catchy And Well-Crafted Tunes To Them.

Bible Verses Can Be Learned By Singing Catchy And Well-Crafted Tunes  To Them.

Angwin, CA — Saturday, November 9th, 2019 — Any caring adult that has a child in their life, can now teach their children or students Bible verses that they will have in their minds forever. Now children can use the tool of memorizing Bible verses by singing them. These unforgettable tunes can be sampled and purchased as CDs through Andrieux House Music Company, or as singular tracks through Amazon, iTunes, or One of the albums, “Written in Stone, The Ten Commandments”, may be purchased at the Pacific Union College Bookstore in Angwin, California.

Christian parents, teachers and other adults in their life, should help the children learn Bible verses by using the tool of music. We all have experience memorization of some facts in elementary school using the tool of music; such as the ABC song. Go to to listen to the samples of God’s Word and purchase the music today.

The reason Ruth has been writing Scripture verses for 20 years, is that she loves to educate children in the things of God. If you put the Word of God into a child’s heart while they are young, it is placed there for their lifetime. Ruth loves to share the music she composes with her current children’s choir. The variety of tunes and rhythms that she uses while composing, helps her students to stay interested, while they memorize God’s Word.

The newest of all the 13 albums, is entitled “Thy Way, O God, is in the Sanctuary”. It contains variety from Spanish guitar music, includes orchestrated music with strings, and songs with an Israeli flavor. Ruth and Les recorded this beautiful new album with three- and four-part harmony This brand-new CD can be purchased at: Andrieux House Music Publishing Company <>, <>, or <>.

For about twenty years now, Ruth has been composing Bible verse music for children: they include The Ten Commandments, the ‘love Chapter’ (1st Corinthians 13), a Spanish themed CD, a Christmas CD, and many Vacation Bible School CDs. Visit and enjoy listening to samples of these CDs.

We all need to give the children in our lives a strong Biblical foundation. You can make a difference by purchasing a CD or DVD; visit Andrieux House Music Publishing Company today


Ruth was surrounded by music from her family, studied piano at a young age, accompanied her soloist father and now sings with her husband, Les. As a young adult, in 1988, she received her Bachelor of Music from Pacific Union College in Angwin, California. In 1997, God touched Ruth with His healing touch (read the story at and would love to share Jesus and His word in your place of worship.


Ruth and Les Andrieux
Ruth Andrieux
P. O. BOX 593, Angwin, CA 94508
(707) 965-3081



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