

Tell us about yourself and your music

I started my journey with music in elementary school. You see before music I was a lost troubled kid, failing most subjects, fighting and always making wrong decisions. I failed the 6th grade. Failing the 6th grade was the best thing for me because that’s when I was introduced to music. I started on the snare drums. Later that year I was asked to switch to the Alto Sax and that changed my life. Playing the Sax got me to focus. In school, I went from a kid who made only D grades to straight ” A’s”. I became a model student. And so every since early age music and playing the Sax has been my joy and life. I loved music so much I played that Sax every day and when I went to college I majored in Music as a Saxophone major. After college, I got married and was commissioned an Officer in the Army. During the early years of my military career and marriage, I didn’t do much with music. I stopped playing the sax. I did play Flute for Mass services. Then about ten years later I was assigned to Italy where I started playing the piano for one of the local churches. After my Italy tour, I became the minister of music for a large church still however playing the piano and on occasion doing Sax solos. That got me back into my first love the Sax. So around the year 2000, I decided to produce my first CD and in the year 2003 I produced my first CD called “Bright Moments”. It took me however 20 years to produce my next release a single called “Same Old Game” followed my a CD called “It’s Time To Let Go’. It’s been a long journey back. It took me ten years to finish “Its Time to Let Go”. I now retired from the federal government and focus fully on the Sax and Music.

A little about my music. My music is mostly about love and relationships. When writing a song I write so the parts are having conversations with each other. My music combines my classical music training, gospel and jazz experiences.
A little bit about where I am from. I am from a small town – Smithfield Va. When to College at Virginia State University

Talk to us more about your latest release

My latest release “Its Time To Let Go” took a very long time to produce. It took ten years to make. I wrote all of the songs and played 90 percent of the parts and solos. It was produced in Richmond Virginia. Its a CD about Love and the relationship between lovers. It’s about letting go when the person doesn’t love you anymore. The Cd consist of both Sax and Piano tunes. It’s a smooth easy wine-sipping CD

What inspired you to write this release?

I was inspired to write a CD based on a true love relationship.  My close friend wanted to leave her husband but he didn’t want the marriage to end. He loved her but she had enough.  After years of trying to reconcile, he finally realized that it was time to let go. Also, it had been more than ten years since my last CD so it was time.  It some amazing how time gets pass you.

Describe the writing and recording process

Most of my music comes to me in my dreams.  Most songs come to me at night in the early morning hours. When they come in the early hours, I get up to go to my music studio and lay down the basic piano track. Some songs come just by sitting down at the keyboard and laying a track. Once I get the basic track down. I build the chords and song structure. After the structure is done. I worked the parts and perfecting the overall tracks. The recording is more of a good thing for me. I typically pray and meditate before recording. I ask for God’s blessing for what comes out of me. Especially for solos.

Any plans to release a video?

Any plans to hit the road?

Working on a tour in early 2020

As an indie artist, how do you brand yourself and your music to stand out from the rest of the artists out there?

Branding is a weakness for me. I don’t have a good handle on this.  I am failing to get my music to stand out

Who have you been listening to lately?

Dave Koz, Eric Darius, Jackiem Joyner, and Randy Scott

Who are your biggest influences?

Grover Washington and Coltrane

Tell us about your passions

Writing music and Playing the Sax. I am passionate about becoming of eh the best Sax-man in the business

What else is happening next in your world?

New Single in Dec 2019 then followed by a CD (digital) release April 2020. I am retired from working now. So enjoying life, playing my sax and staying healthy are tops



Thanks for an awesome interview,



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