Aussie Scots New Album “It’s About Time”

Aussie Scots New Album “It’s About Time”

Tell us about yourself and your music

Aussie Scots are two ex-pat Scots now living in Australia (enjoying the warmer weather). They have been together for many years and enjoyed a “best friend” relationship throughout the long journey.

Now they have decided “It’s About Time” that the world heard their original compositions.. hence the release of their brand-new album “It’s About Time” which will be available in all digital stores around the end of October 2019.

Talk to us more about your latest release

ussie Scots latest Album “It’s About Time” is due for release late-October. Unlike most Albums, the music does not cater to just a single Genre but for multiple Genres. From dance tracks like “Phenomena” and “Pretty” to haunting Ballads like “Scotland Lives In Me” and “Smile” the music is as diversified as you will ever hear on a single Album.
Techno track “Deep Funk” and Rap song “Potted Heid Rap” show a versatility that is rarely found on one single Album. Add to that the Blues song “Last Will and T Blues” and story tracks like “Twenty-First Century” and “Special Person” and “Waltzing the Pokies” and you have a mixture of great tracks, all original and unique in their own way. The catchy track “We Are Not American” completes the compilation.

What inspired you to write this release?

I’m a storyteller, something that is missing in most songs nowadays. In the old days, nearly every song had a story to tell. Nowadays it’s all shouting and a lot of times not even singing.  Take this song “Phenomena for example. It’s all about the place between life and death that we call “The Fourth Dimension” (the other three being the length, breadth, and depth) and how Spirits are always trying to communicate with us through various means.. eg.  As the song says “Can you hear me on the telephone (cross-talk). Listen to me on the radio (static). Hand to hand you’ll communicate (seance). You can see me on the late late show (when it’s closed.. the fuzzy lines where, if you look close enough you will swear that you can make out figures and faces).  Spooky eh? Most people who hear the song have no idea that it’s all about “the other side”. They just love to dance to the great beat or join in with “dee-oh dee-oh dee-oh dee-oh” You will have to listen to the song first to understand the last sentence BTW. If it’s not true then it’s still a great subject for a hit single. LOL. Here is the YouTube link. Have a listen and see what you think.


Describe the writing and recording process

It’s that old adage. Right place, right time. Keep your eyes open and your ears peeled and look around.  There are millions of stories out there waiting to be told.  The trick is to find a subject that people are interested in.  It’s the rule of supply and demand.  Write crap that no-one can relate to, then no-one will buy it. If the story touches someone then it’s worth telling. For example, the Album track “Waltzing the Pokies”. There are so many gambling addicts out there…  and the worst part is that the vast majority of them are normal people whose families and friends have no clue that they are putting their wages into a Poker Machine day after day. Hopefully listening to that track may help some people realize that it’s a loser’s game. If it helps just one person then my job is done. Unfortunately, Australia has the worst Poker Machine saturation per head of the population in the World. Worse than America or the UK. Must have something to do with the first settlers who were convicts. It’s sad, but that’s the case.

Anyway, the point is that I write about what I see and hear. Most of the songs on the album have a story. I’m sure many people will be touched by them. I hope you all find something on the Album you can relate to.

Any plans to hit the road?

No. Happy just to keep writing songs. There are many to come, believe me.

As an indie artist, how do you brand yourself and your music to stand out from the rest of the artists out there?

I guess you could say I am “Old School”. A songwriter who actually “writes songs”. A story-teller with good stories to tell that the common person can relate to. If that makes me “stand out” then that’s great. There are so many ordinary people out there with so much talent. It’s a very competitive World, the World of music. So many different genres. My Album songs cover Blues, Ballads, Pop, Funk, Country, Country Rock, Rock and Roll, and even a Scottish Rap song called “Potted Heid Rap” which tells the story of my childhood in Scotland (sad and funny at the same time). So, I guess, when I think about it, my versatility would probably make me “stand out from other Artists”.

Who have you been listening to lately?

I’ve been working on some new songs which will be released as singles, following the Album release at the end of this month. More styles like Bluegrass etc..

Who are your biggest influences?

Love the story-tellers. Harry Chapin for example. Simon and Garfunkel. Neil Young. Cat Stevens. Then I go to the other extreme as my favorite band is “Yes”. Too many to mention. Love Pink Floyd. Now there is a great example of marrying stories with great music!

Tell us about your passions

My beautiful wife. Friends. Music. Golf. Futsal.

What else is happening next in your world?

Lots on the agenda music-wise.



Thanks for an awesome interview,



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