Artist Interview: Lita Gaithers Owens

Artist Interview: Lita Gaithers Owens

Tell us about yourself and your music

I’m an old school artist who has been influenced by Chaka Khan, Patti Austin, Minnie Riperton, and Stevie Wonder. My musical instrumentation will have a gospel, jazz, funk, and soul fusion sound that underscores lyrics of Christian spirituality. My vocals are smooth, my lyrics are inspiring, and my music stirs the soul. But, because I have a musical theatre background, some of my music may sound like a show tune. Either way, it’s perfect to listen to while you’re driving in your car, or meditating and/or reading at home.


Talk to us more about your latest release

Actually, I working on releasing some new music later this year. However, “In the Beauty of Holiness – The Naomi Project” is a group of songs that encourage people to be “aware” of God’s presence in their daily lives, and inspire them to seek to be in good relationship with God and all people.

What inspired you to write this release?

My husband, Elder Oscar Owens, Jr., is a Christian scholar of Christian spiritual disciplines, and he’s taught me the importance of setting aside periods of time during the day for reading the Bible, prayer, and meditating on scripture. So, when I began to study the Book of Ruth and Romans 12, I was inspired by the Holy Spirit to write these songs and to write a book on Christian spiritual disciplines for those who want to learn how to grow into the image of Jesus Christ.

Any plans to release a video?

Yes, I’m hoping to release a video with my new music this year that will focus on social justice.



Any plans to hit the road?

As an indie artist, how do you brand yourself and your music to stand out from the rest of the artists out there?

Who have you been listening to lately?

Tell us about your passions

What else is happening next in your world?

I’m shopping a reality show to the television network that’s about women of color working in the entertainment industry.

Thanks for an awesome interview, Lita!



Connect with Lita Gaithers Owens


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